You are looking for a PIC Microcontroller tutorials, then you are at the right place. Here I have tried to create a collection of some C programs related to the PIC Microcontroller
The PIC Microcontroller programming tutorials help a beginner to learn about the interfacing of several electronic devices such as LED, LCD, Keypad, Timer…etc with the PIC16/PIC18 microcontrollers. These tutorials include the working principle of the microcontroller and each device.
Here I will also discuss the Pin diagram and Architecture of the PIC microcontroller. In the last, I am also adding some important articles for embedded C developers that will help in interview preparation. So let us see the topic related to PIC Microcontroller Programming.
1.) LED Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller.
2.) Push-button interfacing with PIC microcontroller.
3.)16×2 LCD Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller
- 16*2 LCD Interfacing in 8-bit Mode.
- 16*2 LCD Interfacing in 4-bit Mode.
- Display Custom Characters on 16×2 LCD.
4.) keypad interfacing with PIC Microcontroller.
5.) DC Motor Interfacing with PIC microcontroller.
- Interfacing DC Motor with PIC Microcontroller using L293D
- DC Motor Speed Control using PWM with PIC Microcontroller.
6.) CCP Module in PIC microcontroller.
7.) I2C in PIC microcontroller.
- Introduction of I2C protocol and bus interface.
- Read and Write to Internal EEPROM of PIC Microcontroller.
- Interfacing EEPROM with PIC Microcontroller – I2C Based.
- Interfacing RTC DS1307 with PIC Microcontroller.
8.) SPI Communication Protocol.
9.) Helpful Articles for embedded C developer.
- 100 embedded C interview Questions.
- I2C Interview Questions.
- Difference between UART and USART(UART vs USART).
- Difference between RS232 and RS485 (RS232 vs RS485)
- I2C vs SPI.
- Can protocol interview questions.
- Rtos Interview Questions.
- Interview questions on bitwise operators in C
- 15 Common mistakes with memory allocation.
- 10 questions about dynamic memory allocation.
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