_Atomic keyword in C (or _Atomic type qualifier in C)

C11 supports four “type qualifiersconst (C89), volatile (C89), restrict (C99), and _Atomic (C11). So_Atomic is a type qualifier. In this blog post, you will learn what  _Atomic keyword is and when you should use it.

So let’s get started.

_Atomic keyword:

The _Atomic keyword is introduced in C11. It is not only used as a type qualifier but also use as a type specifier. It means _Atomic is type qualifier and type specifier both.

Now you are thinking how is it possible?

Yes, it is possible due to their syntax. So let’s see the syntax of _Atomic in C,

_Atomic ( type-name )  (1)  (since C11)

_Atomic type-name  (2)  (since C11)


1) _Atomic use as a type specifier; this designates a new atomic type.

2) _Atomic use as a type qualifier; this designates the atomic version of type-name.


The compiler does not support atomic types or _Atomic type qualifier (including the <stdatomic.h> header) if the macro constant __STDC_NO_ATOMICS__(C11) is defined by the compiler. You must remember that you only use the _Atomic keyword when the compiler supports it.

The header <stdatomic.h> defines several macros and declares several types and functions for performing atomic operations on data shared between threads. Let’s see a few of them.

Typedef name Full type name
atomic_bool _Atomic _Bool
atomic_char _Atomic char
atomic_schar _Atomic signed char
atomic_uchar _Atomic unsigned char
atomic_short _Atomic short
atomic_ushort _Atomic unsigned short
atomic_int _Atomic int
atomic_uint _Atomic unsigned int
atomic_long _Atomic long
atomic_ulong _Atomic unsigned long
atomic_llong _Atomic long long
atomic_ullong _Atomic unsigned long long
atomic_char16_t _Atomic char16_t
atomic_char32_t _Atomic char32_t


_Atomic use as a type specifier:

If the _Atomic keyword is immediately followed by a left parenthesis, it is interpreted as a type specifier type qualifier. Like the below expression.

_Atomic ( type-name )


type name: any type other than array type, a function type, an atomic type, or a cvr qualified type.


_Atomic(float) a;   

_Atomic(int) b;



_Atomic use as a type qualifier:

As we have discussed above it is also a type qualifier. But you should remember only to use _Atomic when your compiler supports it.

_Atomic type-name


type name: any type other than array type, a function type.



// ptr1 is a pointer to an atomic const int
_Atomic const int * ptr1;

// ptr2 is a pointer to an int atomic const
//Both ptr1 and ptr2 same
const atomic_int * ptr2;


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