C program to find square of a number

In this blog post, we learn how to write a C program to find square of a number?. We will write the C program to find a square of a number. How to display input number square C programming. Logic to find a square of a given number in C programming.


Input: 2
Output: 4

Input: 20
Output: 400


C Program to calculate the square of a number:

The below program ask the user to enter the value. After getting the value from the user it will calculate the square of entered number by using arithmetic multiplication operator.


int main()
    float number, square;

    printf("Please Enter any integer Value : ");
    scanf("%f", &number);

    square = number * number;

    printf("square of a given number %.2f is  =  %.2f", number, square);

    return 0;

Output 1:

Please Enter any integer Value : 20
square of a given number 20.00 is = 400.00

Output 2:

Please Enter any integer Value : 4.5
square of a given number 4.50 is = 20.25


C Program to calculate the square of a number using a function:

The below program ask the user to enter the value. After getting the value from the user it will call a function squareOfNumber() to calculate the square of the entered number.  The function squareOfNumber() is using an arithmetic multiplication operator to calculate the square of the input number.


//function to calculate square of number
float squareOfNumber(float num)
    return (num*num);

int main()
    float number, square;

    printf("Please Enter any integer Value : ");
    scanf("%f", &number);

    square = squareOfNumber(number);

    printf("square of a given number %.2f is  =  %.2f", number, square);

    return 0;


Please Enter any integer Value : 4.5
square of a given number 4.50 is = 20.25


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