Rvalue reference declarator: &&

In this blog post, you will learn the rvalue reference and its uses in C++ programming with the help of example code.

Before starting the article, I believe that you are already familiar with lvalue, rvalue, and references in C++ because these are the primary prerequisites to understanding this topic.

If you are not aware don’t worry before explaining the rvalue reference I will give a small introduction that helps you understand.

Because rvalue reference is one of the types of references introduced in C++11.

Note: A reference can be thought of as a name of an object.

After C++11, C++ supports two types of reference lvalue reference and rvalue reference. The lvalue reference is declared using the & and the rvalue reference is declared using the &&. Lvalue references and rvalue references are distinct types.


Syntax of Rvalue reference:

type-specifier-seq && attribute-specifier-seqopt D

Note: Lvalue references and rvalue references are syntactically and semantically similar, but they follow slightly different rules


int data = 100;

// Declaring lvalue reference
int& lRef = data;

// Declaring rvalue reference
int&& rRef = 120;



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