MCQ on Semiconductor Diode (Semiconductor Diode Multiple Choice Questions)

MCQ on Semiconductor Diode with answers and explanations for placement tests and job interviews. These solved Semiconductor Diode MCQ are useful for the campus placement for all freshers including Engineering Students, MCA students, Computer and IT Engineers, etc.

Our MCQ on Semiconductor Diode (Semiconductor Diode multiple Choice Questions and Answers) focuses on the basic concept of Semiconductor Diode. We will regularly update the quiz and most interesting thing is that questions come in a random sequence. So every time you will feel new questions.

We have already published a blog post that contains short questions related to embedded C. If you want you can also see this blog post. It would help you in your preparation. “Embedded  C Interview Questions”.

So let’s see the set of MCQ on Semiconductor Diode(Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on “Semiconductor Diode”).

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Semiconductor Diode MCQ

MCQ on Transistors

Semiconductor Diode MCQ

Semiconductor Diode MCQ: Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Semiconductor Diode

1 / 45

An ideal crystal diode is one which behaves as a perfect ……….. when forward biased.

2 / 45

For the same secondary voltage, the output voltage from a centre-tap rectifier is ………… than that of bridge rectifier

3 / 45

The d.c. resistance of a crystal diode is ………….. its a.c. resistance

4 / 45

The leakage current in a crystal diode is due to …………….

5 / 45

If the doping level of a crystal diode is increased, the breakdown voltage………….

6 / 45

The maximum efficiency of a half-wave rectifier is ………………..

7 / 45

The disadvantage of a half-wave rectifier is that the……………….

8 / 45

In the breakdown region, a zener didoe behaves like a …………… source.

9 / 45

A 10 V power supply would use …………………. as filter capacitor.

10 / 45

The PIV rating of a crystal diode is ………….. that of equivalent vacuum diode

11 / 45

A zener diode is …………………. device

12 / 45

A crystal diode is used as ……………

13 / 45

The doping level in a zener diode is …………… that of a crystal diode

14 / 45

A zener diode has ………….. breakdown voltage

15 / 45

A zener diode is used as …………….

16 / 45

A crystal diode is a …………… device

17 / 45

The forward voltage drop across a silicon diode is about …………………

18 / 45

If the arrow of crystal diode symbol is positive w.r.t. bar, then diode is ………….. biased.

19 / 45

A 1,000 V power supply would use ……….. as a filter capacitor

20 / 45

The reverse current in a diode is of the order of ……………….

21 / 45

A crystal diode has forward resistance of the order of ……………

22 / 45

The ……………….. filter circuit results in the best voltage regulation

23 / 45

When the graph between current through and voltage across a device is a straight line, the device is referred to as ……………….

24 / 45

A crystal diode has ………

25 / 45

A crystal diode utilises …………….. characteristic for rectification

26 / 45

If the PIV rating of a diode is exceeded, ………………

27 / 45

A series resistance is connected in the zener circuit to………..

28 / 45

A zener diode is destroyed if it…………..

29 / 45

If the doping level in a crystal diode is increased, the width of depletion layer………..

30 / 45

The ratio of reverse resistance and forward resistance of a germanium crystal diode is about ………….

31 / 45

A zener diode is always ………… connected.

32 / 45

The most widely used rectifier is ……………….

33 / 45

A zener diode utilizes ……….. characteristics for its operation.

34 / 45

A half-wave rectifier has an input voltage of 240 V r.m.s. If the step-down transformer has a turns ratio of 8:1, what is the peak load voltage? Ignore diode drop.

35 / 45

. ……………. rectifier has the lowest forward resistance

36 / 45

When the crystal current diode current is large, the bias is …………

37 / 45

The PIV rating of each diode in a bridge rectifier is ……………… that of the equivalent centre-tap rectifier

38 / 45

 The knee voltage of a crystal diode is approximately equal to ………….

39 / 45

. If the a.c. input to a half-wave rectifier is an r.m.s value of 400/√2 volts, then diode PIV rating is ………………….

40 / 45

When a crystal diode is used as a rectifier, the most important consideration is ………..

41 / 45

If the temperature of a crystal diode increases, then leakage current ………..

42 / 45

The ripple factor of a half-wave rectifier is …………………

43 / 45

A zener diode has ………..

44 / 45

There is a need of transformer for ………………..

45 / 45

Mains a.c. power is converrted into d.c. power for ……………..

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