C Language

how to use fgetc in c

How to use fgetc in C Programming

The fgetc() function read a single character from the stream and return their ASCII value. After reading the character, it advances the associated file position indicator for the stream. It takes only one argument file stream. In this article, I will explain to you, how to read the character from the given file using fgetc

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How to use fputs in C

How to use fputs in C

The fputs function writes the string pointed to the output stream. The terminating null character is not written to the file. It takes two argument pointer to string and file pointer. Syntax of fputs in C int fputs(const char * restrict s, FILE * restrict stream);   Return value of fputs(): On success, the fputs

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How to use fputc in C

How to use fputc in C programming?

The fputc() function writes the character (unsigned char) to the output stream, at the specified position (indicated by the associated file position indicator) and then advances the indicator appropriately. It takes two arguments integer and files stream. The integer value is internally converted to an unsigned char. Syntax of fputc in C: int fputc(int c,

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