Simple C code for Rocket Animation

C code for Rocket Animation

In this article, I will write a  C code for Rocket Animation which will pretend the launching of a rocket on the console. There are many ways to animate the rocket launching in C programming but here I write simple code using character array. I am using the code block to compiling and writing the code.

Let see the  C code for Rocket Animation,


#include <stdio.h>

//Giving some delay
void delay( unsigned int value)
    unsigned int count1 =0;
    unsigned int count2 = 0;

    for(count1 = 0; count1 < value ; count1++ )
        for(count2 = 0; count2 < count1 ; count2++ )


// string to display Rocket
const char rocket[] =
    "           ^ \n\
          | |\n\
         /| |\\\n\
        / | | \\\n\
       |  | |  |\n\

int main()

    int jumpControlAtBottom = 0;
    const int someDelay = 6000;
    int shifControl = 0;

    //jump to bottom of console

    for (jumpControlAtBottom = 0; jumpControlAtBottom < 30; ++jumpControlAtBottom)

    //Print rocket

    for (shifControl = 0; shifControl < 30; ++shifControl)
        // Rocket move on the basis of delay
        // move rocket a line upward
    return 0;


Code Analysis:

We have to first jump to the bottom of the console, so in the for loop, I am executing printf with a new line (‘\n’).

   for (jumpControlAtBottom = 0; jumpControlAtBottom < 30; ++jumpControlAtBottom)


Now times to display the rocket, so using the fputs I am printing the rocket.



You can see the articles,


After displaying the rocket, I am using a for loop in which I have given some delay. You can change the delay as per your requirement. I have also displayed the new line using the printf to move the rocket upward,

    for (shifControl = 0; shifControl < 30; ++shifControl)
        // Rocket move on the basis of delay
        // move rocket a line upward


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