C program to convert uppercase to lowercase and vice versa in file

C program to convert uppercase to lowercase vice versa

This article explains how you can write a C program to convert uppercase to lowercase and vice versa in a file. It also explains logic to convert uppercase characters to lowercase and vice versa in C program.

Logic to convert uppercase to lowercase characters and vice versa in the file:

  • Open the source file in reading mode and get the file pointer in fptr. Also, check that file has been open successfully or not.
  • Create a temporary file.
  • Read a character from source file using c fgetc function.
  • Convert uppercase characters to lowercase and vice versa.
  • Write converted character to the temp file.
  • Close both files and delete the source file.
  • In the last, rename temporary file temp as the source file.


C code to convert uppercase to lowercase character in file


#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

//Maximum size of the array
#define MAX_SIZE  32
#define FILE_NAME "aticleworld.txt"

//toggle file alphanumeric data
void toggleFileData(FILE *fptr)
    FILE *fpTmp = NULL;
    int ch = 0;

    //open the file
    fpTmp = fopen("tmp.txt", "w");
    if(fpTmp == NULL)
        printf("Error in creating tmp file\n");

    //until EOF
    while ( (ch = fgetc(fptr)) != EOF)
         * If current character is uppercase then toggle
         * it to lowercase and vice versa.
        ch = (isupper(ch))? tolower(ch):toupper(ch);
        // write ch in temporary file.
        fputc(ch, fpTmp);

    // Close all files to release resource

    // Delete original file

    // Rename temporary file as original file
    rename("tmp.txt", FILE_NAME);

int main()
    //file pointer
    FILE *fp = NULL;
    //open the file
    fp = fopen(FILE_NAME, "r");
    if(fp == NULL)
        printf("Error in creating the file\n");

     * Function to convert lowercase characters to uppercase
     * and uppercase to lowercase in a file.
     * It also close the opened file

    return 0;

File content before executing code,

C program to convert uppercase to lowercase

File content after executing code,

C program to convert uppercase to lowercase


Code Analysis:

In the above example, first, we opened the already created text (“aticleworld.txt”) file in reading mode and get the file pointer. Using the if condition I am verifying that file is opened successfully or not.

//open the file
   fp = fopen(FILE_NAME, "r");
   if(fp == NULL)
       printf("Error in creating the file\n");


Called the “toggleFileData” function in which create a temporary file and get the file pointer.

//create the file
  fpTmp = fopen("tmp.txt", "w");
  if(fpTmp == NULL)
      printf("Error in creating tmp file\n");


Read the file character using the c fgetc function and convert uppercase to lowercase or lowercase to uppercase. After toggling it write it into the created temporary file.


//until EOF
while ( (ch = fgetc(fptr)) != EOF)
     * If current character is uppercase then toggle
     * it to lowercase and vice versa.
    ch = (isupper(ch))? tolower(ch):toupper(ch);
    // write ch in temporary file.
    fputc(ch, fpTmp);


Now close both files and remove the “aticleworld.txt” file.  In the last change the name of the temporary file with the original file name.

// Close all files to release resource
// Delete original file
// Rename temporary file as original file
rename("tmp.txt", FILE_NAME);


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