Author name: Amlendra

I am an embedded c software engineer and a corporate trainer, currently, I am working as senior software engineer in a largest Software consulting company . I have working experience of different microcontrollers (stm32, LPC, PIC AVR and 8051), drivers (USB and virtual com-port), POS device (VeriFone) and payment gateway (global and first data).

8051 architecture feature

8051 Architecture,You should know before programming

The 8051 architecture provides many functions like CPU(central processing unit),  RAM(random access memory), ROM (read-only memory), I/O (Input/Output), timer, interrupt logic. etc. Intel introduces 8051 microcontrollers in 1981. It is an 8-bit microcontroller. It is built with 40 pins DIP (dual inline package), 4kb of ROM storage (on-chip memory). We can also interface external memory

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how to use fgetc in c

How to use fgetc in C Programming

The fgetc() function read a single character from the stream and return their ASCII value. After reading the character, it advances the associated file position indicator for the stream. It takes only one argument file stream. In this article, I will explain to you, how to read the character from the given file using fgetc

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