Most Used Shortcut keys for Android Studio

Most Used Shortcut keys for Android Studio

Are you looking for Shortcut keys for Android Studio?

Don’t worry you are at the right place in this blog post we have mentioned the most used shortcut keys for Android Studio.

Android Studio includes keyboard shortcuts for many common actions and it saves you a lot of time. The good thing is that we have mentioned the Android Studio Shortcut keys for both Windows,  Linux, and Mac OS. So this blog post will be helpful for both Windows and Mac users.

Default Android Studio keyboard shortcuts:

Following are the default keyboard shortcuts for Windows/Linux and Mac operating systems:

Description Windows/Linux Mac
Save all Control+S Command+S
Synchronize Control+Alt+Y Command+Option+Y
Maximize/minimize editor Control+Shift+F12 Control+Command+F12
Add to favorites Alt+Shift+F Option+Shift+F
Inspect current file with current profile Alt+Shift+I Option+Shift+I
Quick switch scheme Control+` (backquote) Control+` (backquote)
Open settings dialogue Control+Alt+S Command+, (comma)
Open project structure dialog Control+Alt+Shift+S Command+; (semicolon)
Switch between tabs and tool window Control+Tab Control+Tab
Navigating and searching within Studio
Search everything (including code and menus) Press Shift twice Press Shift twice
Find Control+F Command+F
Find next F3 Command+G
Find previous Shift+F3 Command+Shift+G
Replace Control+R Command+R
Find action Control+Shift+A Command+Shift+A
Search by symbol name Control+Alt+Shift+N Command+Option+O
Find class Control+N Command+O
Find file (instead of class) Control+Shift+N Command+Shift+O
Find in path Control+Shift+F Command+Shift+F
Open file structure pop-up Control+F12 Command+F12
Navigate between open editor tabs Alt+Right Arrow or Left Arrow Control+Right Arrow or Control+Left Arrow
Jump to source F4 or Control+Enter F4 or Command+Down Arrow
Open current editor tab in new window Shift+F4 Shift+F4
Recently opened files pop-up Control+E Command+E
Recently edited files pop-up Control+Shift+E Command+Shift+E
Go to last edit location Control+Shift+Backspace Command+Shift+Delete
Close active editor tab Control+F4 Command+W
Return to editor window from a tool window Esc Esc
Hide active or last active tool window Shift+Esc Shift+Esc
Go to line Control+G Command+L
Open type hierarchy Control+H Control+H
Open method hierarchy Control+Shift+H Command+Shift+H
Open call hierarchy Control+Alt+H Control+Option+H
Viewing layouts
Zoom in/out Control+plus or Control+minus Command+plus or Command+minus
Fit to screen Control+0 Command+0
Actual size Control+Shift+1 Command+Shift+1
Design tools: Layout Editor
Toggle between Design and Blueprint modes B B
Toggle between Portrait and Landscape modes O O
Toggle devices D D
Force refresh R R
Toggle render errors panel E E
Delete constraints Delete or Control+click Delete or Command+click
Zoom in Control+plus Command+plus
Zoom out Control+minus Command+minus
Zoom to fit Control+0 Command+0
Pan Hold Space+click and drag Hold Space+click and drag
Go to XML Control+B Command+B
Select all components Control+A Command+A
Select multiple components Shift+click or Control+click Shift+click or Command+click
Design tools: Navigation Editor
Zoom in Control+plus Command+plus
Zoom out Control+minus Command+minus
Zoom to fit Control+0 Command+0
Pan Hold Space+click and drag Hold Space+click and drag
Go to XML Control+B Command+B
Toggle render errors panel E E
Group into nested graph Control+G Command+G
Cycle through destinations Tab or Shift+Tab Tab or Shift+Tab
Select all destinations Control+A Command+A
Select multiple destinations Shift+click or Control+click Shift+click or Command+click
Writing code
Generate code (getters, setters, constructors, hashCode/equals, toString, new file, new class) Alt+Insert Command+N
Override methods Control+O Control+O
Implement methods Control+I Control+I
Surround with (if…else / try…catch / etc.) Control+Alt+T Command+Option+T
Delete line at caret Control+Y Command+Delete
Collapse/expand current code block Control+minus or Control+plus Command+minus or Command+plus
Collapse/expand all code blocks Control+Shift+minus or Control+Shift+plus Command+Shift+minus or Command+Shift+plus
Duplicate current line or selection Control+D Command+D
Basic code completion Control+Space Control+Space
Smart code completion (filters the list of methods and variables by expected type) Control+Shift+Space Control+Shift+Space
Complete statement Control+Shift+Enter Command+Shift+Enter
Quick documentation lookup Control+Q Control+J
Show parameters for selected method Control+P Command+P
Go to declaration (directly) Control+B or Control+click Command+B or Command+click
Go to implementations Control+Alt+B Command+Option+B
Go to super-method/super-class Control+U Command+U
Open quick definition lookup Control+Shift+I Command+Y
Toggle project tool window visibility Alt+1 Command+1
Toggle bookmark F11 F3
Toggle bookmark with mnemonic Control+F11 Option+F3
Comment/uncomment with line comment Control+/ Command+/
Comment/uncomment with block comment Control+Shift+/ Command+Shift+/
Select successively increasing code blocks Control+W Option+Up
Decrease current selection to previous state Control+Shift+W Option+Down
Move to code block start Control+[ Option+Command+[
Move to code block end Control+] Option+Command+]
Select to the code block start Control+Shift+[ Option+Command+Shift+[
Select to the code block end Control+Shift+] Option+Command+Shift+]
Delete to end of word Control+Delete Option+Delete
Delete to start of word Control+Backspace Option+Delete
Optimize imports Control+Alt+O Control+Option+O
Project quick fix (show intention actions and quick fixes) Alt+Enter Option+Enter
Reformat code Control+Alt+L Command+Option+L
Auto-indent lines Control+Alt+I Control+Option+I
Indent/unindent lines Tab or Shift+Tab Tab or Shift+Tab
Smart line join Control+Shift+J Control+Shift+J
Smart line split Control+Enter Command+Enter
Start new line Shift+Enter Shift+Enter
Next/previous highlighted error F2 or Shift+F2 F2 or Shift+F2
Build and run
Build Control+F9 Command+F9
Build and run Shift+F10 Control+R
Apply Changes and Restart Activity Control+F10 Control+Command+R
Apply Code Changes Control+Alt+F10 Control+Shift+Command+R
Debug Shift+F9 Control+D
Step over F8 F8
Step into F7 F7
Smart step into Shift+F7 Shift+F7
Step out Shift+F8 Shift+F8
Run to cursor Alt+F9 Option+F9
Evaluate expression Alt+F8 Option+F8
Resume program F9 Command+Option+R
Toggle breakpoint Control+F8 Command+F8
View breakpoints Control+Shift+F8 Command+Shift+F8
Copy F5 F5
Move F6 F6
Safe delete Alt+Delete Command+Delete
Rename Shift+F6 Shift+F6
Change signature Control+F6 Command+F6
Inline Control+Alt+N Command+Option+N
Extract method Control+Alt+M Command+Option+M
Extract variable Control+Alt+V Command+Option+V
Extract field Control+Alt+F Command+Option+F
Extract constant Control+Alt+C Command+Option+C
Extract parameter Control+Alt+P Command+Option+P
Version control / local history
Commit project to VCS Control+K Command+K
Update project from VCS Control+T Command+T
View recent changes Alt+Shift+C Option+Shift+C
Open VCS popup Alt+` (backquote) Control+V

Android Studio offers a lot of shortcuts to save the user’s time. You have already learned some of them. 

At the beginning of the blog post, I have mentioned “default shortcuts”. I believe you guys would be think why I have mentioned default word with keyboard shortcuts. The reason is Android Studio provides to Configure custom keymaps and add your own shortcuts.

I have written a separate blog post that describes how you can create your own short keys for Android Studio. If you want to learn you can check “How to Create Your Own Shortcut in Android Studio“.

Reference: Android Studio