MySQL MCQ: MySQL Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

MySQL MCQ with answers and explanations for placement tests and job interviews. These solved MySQL MCQ are useful for the campus placement for all freshers including Engineering Students, MCA students, Computer and IT Engineers, etc.

Our MySQL MCQ (MySQL multiple Choice Questions ) focuses on all areas of the MySQL database and its concept. We will regularly update the quiz and most interesting thing is that questions come in a random sequence. So every time you will feel new questions.

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MySQL MCQ: MySQL Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

1 / 66

Which choice is NOT a statement you would use to filter data?

2 / 66

Which query would NOT be used to administer a MySQL server?

3 / 66

What table cannot have a trigger associated with it?

4 / 66

. MySQL server can operate in different SQL modes, depending on the value of the sql_mode system variable. Which mode changes syntax and behavior to conform more closely to standard SQL?

5 / 66

. Which is a valid constructor for a class named User?

6 / 66

Which MySQL command shows the structure of a table?

7 / 66

.Which statement can you use to load data from a file into the table?

8 / 66

MySQL programs are a set of command-line utilities that are provided with typical MySQL distributions. MySQL is designed to be a database.

9 / 66

Which command will return a list of triggers in the current database?

10 / 66

If you were building a table schema to store student grades as a letter (A, B, C, D, or F) which column type would be the best choice?

11 / 66

Which statement is true about TIMESTAMP and DATETIME data types?

12 / 66

What is the default port for MySQL Server?

13 / 66

When you have a subquery inside of the main query, which query is executed first?

14 / 66

How can you list all columns for a given table?

15 / 66

You are importing data as JSON into a new table. You run CREATE TABLE json_data ( city JSON ); and insert rows into this table. What is the correct syntax to see the list of cities?

16 / 66

If you need to order a table of movies by name, which query will work?

17 / 66

You manage a database with a table "customers". You created a temporary table also called "customers" with which you are working for the duration of your session. You need to recreate the temporary table with different specs. Which command do you need to run first?

18 / 66

What is the maximum number of columns that can be used by a single table index?

19 / 66

You need to export the data in the customers table into a CSV file, with columns headers in the first row. Which clause do you add to your MySQL command?

20 / 66

You are loading data into a table. Which command can you use to make sure that all data is inserted and duplicated rows are discarded?

21 / 66

you need to make your mysql system secure against hackers. What are you not supposed to do?

22 / 66

How do you select every row in a given table named "inventory"?

23 / 66

MySQL option files provide a way to specify commonly used options so that they need not be entered on the command line each time you run a program. What is another name for the option files?

24 / 66

What is the advantage of using a temporary table instead of a heap table?

25 / 66

Which statement about the TRUNCATE TABLE statement is true?

26 / 66

In recent versions of MySQL (8.0+), what's the correct syntax to declare a CTE (Common Table Expression)?

27 / 66

How would you list the full set of tables in the currently selected database?

28 / 66

Each time MySQL is upgraded, it is best to execute mysql_upgrade, which looks for incompatibilities with the upgraded MySQL server. What does this command do, upon finding a table with a possible incompatibility?

29 / 66

You are working with very large tables in your database. Which SQL clause do you use to prevent exceedingly large query results?

30 / 66

MySQL uses security based on**_**for all connections, queries, and other operations that users can attempt to perform.

31 / 66

MySQL uses environment variables in some of the programs and command-line operations. Which variable is used by the shell to find MySQL programs?

32 / 66

What is the difference between DROP and TRUNCATE?

33 / 66

What is the requirement for using a subquery in the SELECT clause?

34 / 66

In MySQL, queries are always followed by what character?

35 / 66

In SELECT * FROM clients; what does clients represent?

36 / 66

Management has requested that you build an employee database. You need to include each employee's current position and salary, as well as all prior positions and salaries with the company. You decide to use a one-to-many structure: an employee table with the main information such as name and address, and an employment table with position and salary history. You can use the employeeID field to connect them. What is employment.employeeID an example of?

37 / 66

You need to restore a MySQL database from a backup file. Which command-line tool do you use for the actual data import, after re-creating the database?

38 / 66

Which query lists the databases on the current server?

39 / 66

Which MySQL command modifies data records in a table?

40 / 66

How does MySQL differ from SQL?

41 / 66

You need to export the entire database, including the database objects, in addition to the data. Which command-line tool do you use?

42 / 66

You must ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data in your database. You assign some constraints to limit the type of data that can go into a table. What type of constraints are you assigning?

43 / 66

How can you remove a record using MySQL?

44 / 66

you need to run a complex query with recursive subqueries but without creating a stored procedure or a function. Which command or clause do you use?

45 / 66

One form of backup, replication, enables you to maintain identical data on multiple servers, as a ___ configuration.

46 / 66

What is the best type of query for validating the format of an email address in a MySQL table?

47 / 66

Which is the correct syntax of an extended insert statement?

48 / 66

What is the equivalent of mysqladmin reload command?

49 / 66

Which choice is not a valid model for a stored procedure parameter?

50 / 66

Which choice is not a processing algorithm for database views?

51 / 66

How can you filter duplicate data while retrieving records from a table?

52 / 66

What does the following SQL statement return?\

SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeName LIKE 'a%'


53 / 66

You need an exact copy of a table with all columns and indexes. How?

54 / 66

What mysql statement is used to check which accounts have specific privileges?

55 / 66

A trigger is a database object that is associated with a table, and that activates when a particular event occurs for the table. Which three events are these?

56 / 66

If you want to use MyISAM instead of InnoDB, which option do you need to specify in the CREATE TABLE statement?

57 / 66

Which option of most MySQL command-line programs can be used to get a description of the program's different options?

58 / 66

In data migration, there is often a need to delete duplicate rows as part of data cleanup. Which statement works best?

59 / 66

. After installing MySQL, it may be necessary to initialize the __ which may be done automatically with some MySQL installation methods.

60 / 66

In which table does MySQL store passwords for user accounts?

61 / 66

What is one reason to introduce data redundancy into a normalized database design?

62 / 66

In an efficiently designed relational database, what does every table have?

63 / 66

Which choice is not one of the table maintenance statements?

64 / 66

When working with MySQL cursor, what must you also declare?

65 / 66

What is the MySQL perror command-line utility used for?

66 / 66

later versions of mysql support the native json data type for storing json documents. What is a drawback of json columns?

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