REST API MCQ: REST API Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

The following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to the REST API Framework. REST API MCQ with answers and explanations for placement tests and job interviews. These solved REST API MCQ are useful for the campus placement for all freshers including Engineering Students, MCA students, Computer and IT Engineers, etc.

Our REST API MCQ ( REST API multiple Choice Questions ) focuses on all areas of REST API and its concept. We will regularly update the quiz and most interesting thing is that questions come in a random sequence. So every time you will feel new questions.

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This REST API MCQ is intended for checking your REST API framework knowledge. It takes 1 hour, 5 minutes to pass the REST API MCQ. If you don’t finish theREST API MCQ within the mentioned time, all the unanswered questions will count as wrong. You can miss the questions by clicking the “Next” button and return to the previous questions by the “Previous” button. Every unanswered question will count as wrong. MCQ on REST API has features of randomization which feel you a new question set at every attempt.

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REST API MCQ: REST API Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

1 / 65

What should you add to a Cache-Control response header to specify that a response should not be stored in an intermediary cache?

2 / 65

Which URL pattern s recommended when working with one resource and a collection of resources?

3 / 65

Which response header will tell the client that the response is cached for 1 minute?

4 / 65

Which request URI component is optional?

5 / 65

What is the underlying goal of all APIs?

6 / 65

Which HTTP method is supported by Azure REST API?

7 / 65

Request Header - Contains metadata for the HTTP Request message as key-value pairs.

8 / 65

What is Time to First Hello World?

9 / 65

What is the concept that allows an API client to explore an API via links embedded in payloads?

10 / 65

What is the best way to track SDK and version usage?

11 / 65

If you were to add versioning by using the Accept and Content-Type header, what would be the correct format of the header value?

12 / 65

What component hides the distinctions or boundaries between various microservices from end-client applications?

13 / 65

Within Oauth, what component validates the user's identity?

14 / 65

When dealing with JSON web Tokens (JWTs), what is a claim?

15 / 65

Which REST constraint specifies that there should be no shared context?

16 / 65

What component can you use to wrap legacy architectures or protocols into a REST interface for easier consumption and integration?

17 / 65

Which REST constraint allows for the presence of caching, routing, and other systems between the client and server?

18 / 65

APIs commonly use webhooks to **\*\*\*\***\_\_\_\_**\*\*\*\***.

19 / 65

What does REST in REST API stand for?

20 / 65

What is the recommended method and URL pattern for retrieving a specific user?

21 / 65

Which request URI component of REST API gives domain name or IP address of the server where REST service endpoint is hosted?

22 / 65

Which of the following HTTP method should be read only in nature?

23 / 65

What would you enable to allow a browser on another site to make an AJAX request to your API?

24 / 65

Which HTTP verb is normally used to update or create a resource in an API?

25 / 65

What is the purpose of a link relation?

26 / 65

Which is a benefit of using an API gateway?

27 / 65

What is one benefit of GraphQl over REST approaches?

28 / 65

Which HTTP verb is used in a CORS preflight request?

29 / 65

What is one benefit of server-side caching in APIs?

30 / 65

API testing must be treated as ______?

31 / 65

Which property would you use to include references to other resources in a JSON document?

32 / 65

Which component is used for specifying the protocol used for transmitting the request?

33 / 65

API traffic that is entirely internal to your organization is normally called ____?

34 / 65

Which content is best to include in your documentation?

35 / 65

What is the modern specification for describing an API?

36 / 65

Which is a common command-line tool for using or exploring an API?

37 / 65

Which response header tells the client and intermediaries that the response is not to be cached anywhere?

38 / 65

What is the purpose of an OAuth refresh token?

39 / 65

What OAuth term is used to represent permissions?

40 / 65

What is one benefit that OAuth provides over an API key approach?

41 / 65

Which of the following component of HTTP response contains response message content or Resource representation?

42 / 65

The textbook approach to api versioning is to use _____.

43 / 65

Which property would you use to include subresources directly into a JSON document?

44 / 65

Which is the most secure method to transmit an API key?

45 / 65

What should your API documentation describe?

46 / 65

What additional type of token would you see when using OpenID Connect?

47 / 65

Using OAuth, what scope would you request for write access to the API?

48 / 65

When a user attempts to access a record that is not their own, which HTTP response code is the most appropriate?

49 / 65

What is OAuth?

50 / 65

What type of relationship is defined as one resource existing only if another parent resource exist-for example, pages in a book?

51 / 65

What metric tracks overall availability for your API?

52 / 65

The type of operation requested is determined by:

53 / 65

Your API resource does no allow deletion, and a client application attempted to delete the resource. What HTTP respose code should you return?

54 / 65

Which OAuth grant type can support a refresh token?

55 / 65

Which one of the following is not a component of REST API request/response?

56 / 65

The ability to execute the same API request over and over again without changing the resource's state is an example of _.

57 / 65

What is the best approach for requesting JSON instead of XML from an API?

58 / 65

What purpose does a User-Agent serve?

59 / 65

Which of the following HTTP Status code means NOT FOUND, states that method is not available?

60 / 65

Choose the correct option with reference to REST API.

61 / 65

What is OpenID Connect?

62 / 65

Which REST constraint specifies that knowledge and understanding obtained from one component of the API should be generally applicable elsewhere in the API?

63 / 65

Which one of the following is not a part of the request URI?

64 / 65

What protection does a JSON Web Token (JWT) offer to mitigate tampering with its contents?

65 / 65

Which of the following component of HTTP request contains message content or Resource representation?

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