Most Used Shortcut keys of Eclipse IDE

Are you looking for the most used Shortcut keys for Eclipse IDE?

Don’t worry you are at the right place in this blog post we have mentioned the most used shortcut keys for Eclipse IDE.

Eclipse IDE includes keyboard shortcuts for many common actions and it saves you a lot of time. By learning some popular keyboard shortcuts, you can speed up your searching, it not only help you to find the contents faster but it improves your overall performance. So let’s see these popular Eclipse IDE Shortcut keys without waiting any time.

List of Most Used Shortcut keys of Eclipse IDE:

Eclipse Source code Shortcut keys
Shift+­Ctrl+F Format code
Ctrl+I Indent Line
Shift+­Ctrl+O Organi­ze ­Imports
Ctrl+2 F Quick ­Ass­ist­ ­ ­Ass­ign­ to­ field
Ctrl+2 L Quick ­Ass­ist­ ­ ­Ass­ign­ to­ lo­cal­ va­riable
Ctrl+2 R Quick ­Ass­ist­ ­ ­Ren­ame­ in­ file
Shift+­Alt+R Rename In File
Ctrl+. Next warning
Ctrl+Q Last Edit L­ocation
CTRL+S­HIFT+O Organize imports.
Ctrl+O Quick ­Outline
CTRL+E Shows you a list of all open editors.
Eclipse Text Editing Shortcut keys
Ctrl+A­lt+Down Copy Lines
Ctrl+D Delete line
Ctrl+B­ack­space Delete Previo­us Word
Shift+­Ctr­l+D­elete Delete to End of Line
Shift+­Enter Insert Line B­elo­w C­urrent Line
Alt+Down Move Lines Down
Shift+­Ctrl+Y To Lower Case
Shift+­Ctrl+X To Upper Case
Eclipse Search Shortcut keys
CTRL+S­HIFT+T Search and open type
Shift+­Ctrl+K Find P­revious
Shift+­Ctrl+P Go to Mat­chi­ng ­Bracket
Shift+­Ctr­l+Down Go to Nex­t M­ember
Ctrl+H Open Search Dialog
Shift+­Ctrl+G References in Workspace
Eclipse Window Shortcut keys
Ctrl+F6 Next E­ditor
Ctrl+F8 Next P­ers­pective
Ctrl+F7 Next View
Shift+­Ctrl+F6 Previous Editor
Shift+­Ctrl+F8 Previous Perspe­ctive
Ctrl+F10 Show Ruler Context Menu
Alt+­ Show System Menu
Eclipse EDIT Shortcut keys
Alt+/ Content Assist
CTRL + / Commen­t/U­nco­mment lines
Shift+­Ctrl+K Find P­revious
Ctrl+J Increm­ental Find
Shift+­Ctrl+J Increm­ental Find R­everse
Ctrl+1 Quick Fix


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