Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Webflow for Mac OS

Are you looking for the most used shortcut keys in Webflow for Mac OS

Don’t worry you are at the right place in this blog post we have mentioned the most used shortcut keys in Webflow for Mac OS.

Webflow includes keyboard shortcuts for many common actions and it saves you a lot of time. By learning some popular keyboard shortcuts, you can speed up your searching, it not only help you to find the contents faster but it improves your overall performance. So let’s see these popular Webflow Shortcut keys for Mac OS without waiting any time.

List of Most Used Shortcut keys in Webflow for Mac OS:

Show shortcut cheatsheet Shift+/
Save as a snapshot Cmd+Shift+S
Deselect or abort Esc
Delete element Del
Show publish dialog Shift+P
Show export code dialog Shift+E
Edit element Enter
Preview Mode Cmd+Shift+P
Guide overlay Cmd+Shift+G
Show element edges Cmd+Shift+E
X-ray mode Cmd+Shift+X
Left-hand Toolbar
Show add panel A
Show navigator tab Z
Show pages panel P
Show symbols panel Shift+A
Make the selected element a symbol Cmd+Shift+A
Show asset manager J
Right-hand Tabs
Show style tab S
Show settings tab D
Show style manager tab G
Show interactions tab H
Copy Cmd+C
Cut Cmd+X
Paste Cmd+V
Duplicate Alt+(drag)
Undo Cmd+Z
Redo Cmd+Shift+Z
Device View
Desktop 1
Tablet 2
Phone (landscape) 3
Phone (portrait) 4
Style Panel
Margin or padding (on all sides) Shift+(drag)
Margin or padding (top and bottom, or left and right) Alt+(drag)
Add class to the selected element Cmd+Enter
Rename last class on a selected element Cmd+Shift+Enter
Quick find Cmd+K
Expand or collapse panel sections Alt+(click)
A select parent or child element Up/Down
Select sibling element Left/Right
Select next or previous element Alt+Left/Right
Toggle collaborators on a selected element Cmd+Shift+L


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