MCQ on this pointer in C++(this pointer Multiple Choice Questions)

MCQ on this pointer in C++ with answers and explanations for placement tests and job interviews. These solved C++ this pointer MCQ questions are useful for the campus placement for all freshers including Engineering Students, MCA students, Computer and IT Engineers, etc.

Our C++ this pointer MCQ ( C++ this pointer Multiple Choice Questions and Answer )  focuses on all areas of this pointer. We will also regularly update the quiz and most interesting thing is that questions come in a random sequence. So every time you will feel new questions.

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So let’s see the set of MCQs focus on this pointer (Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on “This Pointer”).


C++ this pointer MCQ: Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on C++ this pointer

1 / 26

Which among the following is true?

2 / 26

Earlier implementations of C++ ___________________

3 / 26

This pointer can be used directly to ___________

4 / 26

In a const member function, the type of the this pointer is treated as:

5 / 26

Which statement is true?

6 / 26

Which modifier affects this pointer?

7 / 26

What happens if you attempt to modify a data member using the this pointer in a const member function?

8 / 26

The result of sizeof() function __________________

9 / 26

The this pointers _____________________

10 / 26

What does the this pointer allow you to access in a member function?

11 / 26

Whenever non-static member functions are called _______________

12 / 26

Which operator can be overloaded using the this pointer?

13 / 26

Which statement is true?

14 / 26

In a member function, if a local variable has the same name as a data member, how can you refer to the data member using the this pointer?

15 / 26

When is the this pointer required to be used explicitly in a member function?

16 / 26

Which syntax is used to guard against self-reference?

17 / 26

Which is the pointer which denotes the object calling the member function?

18 / 26

The address of the object _________________

19 / 26

In which type of member function is the "this pointer" treated as a pointer to a constant object?

20 / 26

The this pointer is accessible __________________

21 / 26

Which is the correct interpretation of the member function call from an object, object.function(value);

22 / 26

How is the this pointer affected when a non-static member function is declared as volatile?

23 / 26

What is the significance of using the const qualifier in the following member function declaration:

int get() const;

24 / 26

What is the purpose of the "this pointer" in C++?

25 / 26

Which statement is true for this pointer?

26 / 26

Which among the following is true?

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