MATLAB MCQ: MATLAB  Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

MATLAB MCQ with answers and explanations for placement tests and job interviews. These solved MATLAB MCQs are useful for the campus placement for all freshers including Engineering Students, MCA students, Computer and IT Engineers, etc.

Our MATLAB MCQ (MATLAB Multiple Choice Questions ) focuses on various parts of the MATLAB multi-paradigm programming language and its concept. It will be useful for anyone learning MATLAB Basics, Essentials, and/or Fundamentals. We will regularly update the quiz and most interesting thing is that questions come in a random sequence. So every time you will feel new questions.

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This MATLAB MCQ is intended for checking your MATLAB knowledge. It takes 50 minutes to pass the MATLAB MCQ. If you don’t finish the MATLAB MCQ within the mentioned time, all the unanswered questions will count as wrong. You can miss the questions by clicking the “Next” button and return to the previous questions by the “Previous” button. Every unanswered question will count as wrong. MCQ on MATLAB has features of randomization which feel you a new question set at every attempt.

In this MATLAB MCQ, we have also implemented a feature that not allowed the user to see the next question or finish the MATLAB quiz without attempting the current MATLAB MCQ.

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MATLAB MCQ: MATLAB  Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

1 / 33

You are in the middle of a long MATLAB session where you have performed many analyses and made many plots. You run the following commands, yet a figure window doesn't pop up on the top of your screen with your plot. What might be the issue?

x = [-1:0.1:1];
y = X.^2;
plot(x, y)


2 / 33

what is the . character NOT used for?

3 / 33

For which of these arrays do mean, median, and mode return the same value?

4 / 33

Which statement returns the roots for the polynomial x^2 + 2x - 4?

5 / 33

You have plotted values of cosine from -10 to 10 and want to change the x-axis tick marks to every pi, from -3pi to 3pi. Which statement will do that?

6 / 33

Based on the code below, c is the \_ of a.

a = rand(1, 11);
b = sort(a);
c = b(1, ceil(end/2));


7 / 33

Which statement returns 1 (true)?

a = 'stand'
b = "stand"


8 / 33

What is true of a handle class object?

9 / 33

Where in the UI can you see what variables have been created, their values, and their class?

10 / 33

Which statement turns menu into the variable menu_string below?

menu = {'hot dog' 'corn dog' 'regular burger' 'cheeseburger' 'veggie burger'}
menu_string =
    'hot dog
     corn dog
     regular burger
     veggie burger'



11 / 33

Which choice adds b to each row of a?

a = ones(4, 4);
b= [1 2 3 4];


12 / 33

Which function CANNOT be used to randomly sample data?

13 / 33

Which does E contain?

C = {'dog' 'cat' 'mouse'}
D = {'cow' 'piranha' 'mouse'}
E = setdiff(C,D)


14 / 33

Which choice is the proper syntax to append a new elements a to the end of 1x 2 dimensional cell array C?

15 / 33

You have loaded a dataset of people's heights into a 100 x 1 array called height. Which statement will return a 100 x 1 array, sim_height, with values from a normal distribution with the same mean and variance as your height data?

16 / 33

What built-in definition does i have?

17 / 33

From what distribution does the rand() function return value?

18 / 33

my_func is a function as follows. What is the value of a at the end of the code beneath?

function a = my_func(a)
    a = a + 1;
a = 0;
for i = 1:3
a = my_func(a);


19 / 33

What kind of files are stored with the .mat extension?

20 / 33

Which statement is true about the sparse matrices?

21 / 33

Which statement is equivalent to this for loop?

a = [1 2 3; 4 5 6];
b = zeros(size(a));
for i_row = 1:size(a, 1)
    for i_col = 1:size(a, 2)
        b(i_row, i_col) = a(i_row, i_col)^2;


22 / 33

If you run this piece of code, you will get an error. Why?

a = [0 1 2 3; 4 5 6 7];
a = a^2;


23 / 33

Which is NOT a function that adds text to a plot?

24 / 33

Which statement creates a logical array that is 1 if the element in passwords contains a digit and 0 if it does not?

passwords = {'abcd' '1234' 'qwerty' 'love1'};


25 / 33

What is the value of c?

a = ones(1,3);
b = 1:3;
c = conv(a,b)


26 / 33

Which function could you use for multiple linear regression?

27 / 33

How do you access the value for the field name in structure S?

28 / 33

What is the set of possible values that a may contain?

a      = randi(10, [1, 10]);
a(3)   = 11;
a(a>2) = 12;


29 / 33

Which statement using logical indices will result in an error?

a = 1:10;


30 / 33

Which statement could create this cell array?

c =
    {["hello world"]}    {1×1 cell}    {["goodbye"]}    {1×3 double}


31 / 33

What does the Profiler track?

32 / 33

What is %% used for?

33 / 33

Which statement returns a cell array of the strings containing 'burger' from menu?

menu = {'hot dog' 'corn dog' 'regular burger' 'cheeseburger' 'veggie burger'}


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