JSON MCQ: JSON Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

JSON MCQ with answers and explanations for placement tests and job interviews. These solved JSON MCQs are useful for the campus placement for all freshers including Engineering Students, MCA students, Computer and IT Engineers, etc.

Our JSON MCQ (JSON Multiple Choice Questions ) focuses on various parts of the JSON open standard file format and data interchange format. It will be useful for anyone learning JSON Basics, Essentials, and/or Fundamentals. We will regularly update the quiz and most interesting thing is that questions come in a random sequence. So every time you will feel new questions.


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JSON MCQ: JSON Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

1 / 57

Which is an invalid JSON value?

2 / 57

Which is supported by YAML but not supported by JSON?

3 / 57

What characters are used to enclose an array?

4 / 57

How should a date value be stored in JSON?

5 / 57

What does JSON with padding (JSON-P) use to make a request?

6 / 57

Which array is valid JSON?

7 / 57

Which number types are available in javascript but not supported in json?

8 / 57

Which JavaScript method converts a Json to JavaScript value?

9 / 57

Which data type is NOT part of JSON standard?

10 / 57

How do you assign a number value in JSON?

11 / 57

Transferring JSON information from client to server and back again often includes HTTP requests. Match each method with the best choice describing its use.

1.Sends data to specific server to create or update information.
2.Sends data to specific server to create or update information without the risk of creating the resource more than once.
3.Previews what the GET request response might be without the body of the text.
4.Learns the communication channels used by the target source.
5.Requests information from a specific source.
6.Removes information.


12 / 57

Which key format is valid JSON?

13 / 57

By convention, what name is used for the first key in a JSON schema?

14 / 57

Which element is added to the DOM to create a JSON-P request?

15 / 57

How would you make the following string valid in JSON?

"name": 'bb-8'


16 / 57

Which code uses the correct JSON syntax for a key/Value pair containing a string?

17 / 57

What values can arrays contain?

18 / 57

Which whitespace characters should be escaped within a string?

19 / 57

Which code is valid JSON equivalent of the key/value pair shown that also preserves the data type?

20 / 57

What character cannot be part of string within JSON without additional formatting?

21 / 57

What’s wrong with this JavaScript?

JSON.parse({"first": "Sarah", "last": "Connor"}) ;


22 / 57

How are values separated in JSON?

23 / 57

Which key name is used to specify properties that must be included for JSON to be valid?

24 / 57

How do you store several paragraphs of text as a string in JSON?

25 / 57

With which programming language is JSON best used?

26 / 57

What data type is encoded in the outermost component of the JSON shown?

    "year": 2024
    "location": "unknown"


27 / 57

What technique can be used to represent complex objects with JSON?

28 / 57

How do you encode a date in JSON?

29 / 57

What characters denote strings in JSON?

30 / 57

If you need to store the loggedIn status of a user in JSON as a boolean, what is the correct syntax?

31 / 57

What data structure do you use to encode ordered information?

32 / 57

What tool might you use to validate your JSON?

33 / 57

Which value is supported in the JSON specifications?

34 / 57

Which is ignored by JSON but treated as significant by YAML?

35 / 57

What is the official MIME type for JSON?

36 / 57

Which JavaScript method converts a JavaScript value to Json?

37 / 57

How is a true boolean value represented in JSON?

38 / 57

If a string contains line breaks, what should you do?

39 / 57

What's wrong with this JSON object?

  "series": "Star Trek",
  "episodes": "The Trouble with Tribbles"


40 / 57

Why do so many APIs use JSON?

41 / 57

Which code uses the correct JSON syntax to encode the key/value pair shown?

accountNum: '000605802'


42 / 57

Which reference to the Unicode character U+1F602 complies with the JSON standard?

43 / 57

With what character should key/value pairs be separated?

44 / 57

Which date type is part of the JSON standard?

45 / 57

Which key name is used to specify data type in a JSON schema?

46 / 57

When building dynamic web applications using AJAX, developers originally used the ____ data format, which has since been replaced by JSON.

47 / 57

What data type is encoded in the outermost component of the JSON shown?

  "result": [
      "year": 2024
      "location": "unknown"


48 / 57

What data type is represented by the value of the key/value pair shown?

loggedIn: true


49 / 57

Which term is commonly used to refer to converting data to JSON?

50 / 57

When you need to set the value of a key in JSON to be blank, what is the correct syntax for the empty value?

51 / 57

What character separates keys from values?

52 / 57

How should comments be formatted in JSON?

53 / 57

Which code uses the correct JSON syntax for encoding a key/value pair with a null value?

54 / 57

Which code is a valid JSON equivalent of the key/value pair shown that also preserves the data type? constant: 6.022E23

55 / 57

What character do you specify before a JSON control character when you want to use that control characters as a literal part of a string?

56 / 57

Can trailing commas be used in objects and arrays?

57 / 57

Which data format is a JSON schema written in?

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