Many times I have read about the most confusing topic structure padding in C and memory alignment in C. Understanding of memory alignment is very important for a software engineer who works on the memory. Sometimes if we don’t care about memory alignment then it may cause a serious issue.
I have read a lot of articles and blogs to understand memory alignment and structure padding in C. But always I had some confusion and questions regarding the memory alignment and structure padding in C. So finally I had thought to dig the internet to understand the memory alignment and padding.
When I had read about the memory alignment then I found generally people confuse about the bad effect of the alignment, according to some reputed blog, memory alignment affects the performance of the CPU and the processor takes some extra fetch to access the unaligned memory.
So then I had started to solve this mysterious question and I found that alignment is only the micro-optimization techniques, the current processor is too smart and they know how to handle the unaligned memory but in some bad situation, the processor takes some extra cycles to fetch the unaligned memory. So it’s good for the programmer to care about the alignment when he writes the program.
In real-world processor, does not read or write the memory byte by byte but actually, for performance reason, it accesses the memory in the formats like 2,4,8,16 and 32 bytes of chunks at a time.
In 32 bits processor word size is 4 bytes if the data address within the 32 bits then it perfectly fit in the memory alignment but if it crosses the boundary of 32 bits then the processor has to take some extra cycles to fetch the data from that unaligned memory.

When memory is aligned then the processor easily fetches the data from the memory. In images 1 and 2, you can see that the processor takes one cycle to Access the aligned data.
When memory is not aligned then the processor takes some extra ticks to access the unaligned memory, in the below image we access a 4-byte data from the unaligned address which looks like as below image.
The below image describes the steps, and how is the processor access the unaligned memory
When the processor gets an unaligned memory then it takes the following steps to access the unaligned memory.
- CPU selects the unaligned memory which represents through the black dark border.
- CPU access the whole 4 bytes above and below the black square border.
- Shift one byte above and three bytes below in corresponding to the above and below chunks of memory.
- Combined both chunks of data and get the actual bytes of data.

The RISC processor throws the exception when he faced the unaligned memory but some MIPS have some special instruction to handle the unaligned memory situation, unaligned memory is not a big issue for the Intel x86 processor it easily handles the unaligned memory but sometimes it takes some extra ticks to fetch the unaligned memory.
In the program, there are mainly two-property attached to the variable first is the value of the variable, and the second is its address. In the case of the Intel X86 architecture address of the variable in the multiple of 1, 2, 4, or 8, in other words, we can say that the address of the variable should be multiple of the power of 2.
Generally, the compiler handles the scenario of alignment and it aligned the variable in their boundary. You don’t need to worry about the alignment, in the 32 bits X86 architecture alignment of data types is generally similar to their length.
In below table, I have described the alignment of some primitive data types which frequently used in the program
Data Type | 32-bit (bytes) | 64-bit (bytes) |
char | 1 | 1 |
short | 2 | 2 |
int | 4 | 4 |
float | 4 | 4 |
double | 8 | 8 |
pointer | 4 | 8 |
Note: Alignment of data types mandated by the processor architecture, not by language.
A final thought about structure padding in C:
When you create an object of structure or union the compiler may insert some extra bytes between the members of the structure or union for the alignment. These extra unused bytes are called padding bytes and this technique is called structure padding in C.
The C standard does not define the value of these padding bytes which means the value of the padding bytes is unspecified. It is the reason we must not compare the structure using the memcmp().
Padding increases the performance of the processor at the penalty of memory. In structure or union data members are aligned as per the size of the highest bytes member to prevent the penalty of performance.
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Here, I have described some examples to clarify the concept of structure padding in C:
Example 1:
typedef struct { char A; int B; char C; } InfoData;
Memory layout of structure InfoData
In the above structure, an integer is the largest byte size member. So to prevent the penalty compiler inserts some extra padding bytes to improve the performance of the CPU. So the size of the InfoData will be 12 bytes due to the padding bytes inserted by the compiler for the data alignment.
Note: In the case of structure and union we can save the wastage of memory to rearrange the structure members in the order of largest size to smallest.
Example 2:
typedef struct { int A; char B; char C; } Element;
Memory layout of Element after the rearranging of his members
In the above example, the size of the InfoData is 8 bytes due to 2 tail padding bytes inserted by the compiler for the data alignment.
Example 3:
typedef struct { double A; // 8-byte char B; // 1-byte char C; // 1-byte } InfoData;
Memory layout of structure InfoData
The largest size member is double (8 bytes), hence compiler aligned the memory in the form of 8 bytes. So here compiler adds 6 padding bytes for the alignment, and the size of the InfoData will be 16 bytes.
How to avoid Structure Padding in C?
If you want you can avoid the structure padding in C using the pragma pack (#pragma pack(1) ) or attribute ( __attribute__((__packed__)) ). Let us see an example code,
#include <stdio.h> #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct { double A; // 8-byte char B; // 1-byte } InfoData; #pragma pack(pop) /* main function */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("\n Size of Structure = %d\n\n\n\n",sizeof(InfoData)); return 0; }
Output: 9
Note: We can also change the alignment of structure, union, or class using the “pack” pragma directive, but sometimes it becomes a crucial reason for the compatibility issues in your program. So it’s better always use the default packing of the compiler.
See the below program which explains how we can change the structure packing in C using the pragma directive:
Example Code 1:
#include <stdio.h> // size = 10, alignment = 2-byte, no padding bytes for these struct members #pragma pack(push, 2) typedef struct { double A; // 8-byte char B; // 1-byte char C; // 1-byte } InfoData; #pragma pack(pop) /* main function */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("\n Size of Structure = %d\n\n\n\n",sizeof(InfoData)); return 0; }

Example Code 2:
#include <stdio.h> // size = 12, alignment = 4-byte, required 2 padding bytes for these struct members #pragma pack(push, 4) typedef struct { double A; // 8-byte char B; // 1-byte char C; // 1-byte } InfoData; #pragma pack(pop) /* main function */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("\n Size of Structure = %d\n\n\n\n",sizeof(InfoData)); return 0; }

Example Code 3
#include <stdio.h> //Using the default packing of compiler typedef struct { double A; // 8-byte char B; // 1-byte char C; // 1-byte } InfoData; /* main function */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("\n Size of Structure = %d\n\n\n\n",sizeof(InfoData)); return 0; }
You can see this article, Top 11 structure padding questions
Finally, I understand memory alignment increases the performance of the processor and we have to care for the alignment of the memory for the better performance of the program. CPU performs better with aligned data as compared to unaligned data because some processor takes an extra cycle to access the unaligned data. So when we create the structure, union or class then we have to rearrange the member in a careful way for the better performance of the program.
Your opinion matters
Although here I have tried to puts a lot of points regarding the alignment and structure padding. I would like to know your opinion regarding the memory alignment and structure padding, so please don’t forget to write a comment in the comment box.
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Reference: structure padding.