This blog post will teach you about C++ keywords (reserved words in C++ programming). We will list out almost famous C++ keywords and their examples. Let’s first understand what C++ keyword is.
Keywords are predefined reserved identifiers that have special meanings. And because they are reserved by the language, these keywords are not available for re-definition or overloading. In simple words, you can not use keywords as identifiers in your program.
For example,
int while;
Here, int and while both are keywords but in the above example, you are trying to use while as an identifier. You will get the compiler error.
Standard C++ keywords:
The following is the list of keywords used in C++ programming. The meaning of the few keywords is updated in different versions of C++.
A – C | D – P | R – Z |
alignas (since C++11)alignof (since C++11)and and_eq asm atomic_cancel (TM TS) atomic_commit (TM TS) atomic_noexcept (TM TS) auto bitand bitor bool break case catch char char8_t (since C++20)char16_t (since C++11)char32_t (since C++11)class (1)compl concept (since C++20)const consteval (since C++20)constexpr (since C++11)constinit (since C++20)const_cast continue co_await (since C++20)co_return (since C++20)co_yield (since C++20) |
decltype (since C++11)default delete do double dynamic_cast else enum explicit export extern false float for friend goto if inline int long mutable (1)namespace new noexcept (since C++11)not not_eq nullptr (since C++11)operator or or_eq private protected public |
reflexpr (reflection TS)register reinterpret_cast requires (since C++20)return short signed sizeof static static_assert (since C++11)static_cast struct switch synchronized (TM TS) template this thread_local (since C++11)throw true try typedef typeid typename union unsigned using (1)virtual void volatile wchar_t while xor xor_eq |
The register keyword is unused but is reserved for future use.
C++ also has some identifiers with special meanings, which may be used as names of objects or functions, but have special meanings in certain contexts. These are the following.
final (C++11) override (C++11) transaction_safe (TM TS) transaction_safe_dynamic (TM TS) import (C++20)module (C++20) |
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