C Language

Employee Record System Project

Employee Record System Project in C

The mini-project “Employee Record System Project in C” is a console application using the C programming language. This project compiled in Code Blocks with the GCC compiler. In this console application, you can do basic Employee Record tasks like adding the employee info, view the added employee, search the employees, ..etc. This application based on file

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star patterns in C

Star patterns in C

In this blog post, we are collecting some popular star patterns with example code. Star patterns are commonly used to improve the logical skill of any programming language. Here we have selected C as a programming language for mentioned start patterns. Primary prerequisites for star patterns in C: You must have basic knowledge of loops

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program to print heart star pattern

C program to print heart star pattern

  #include <stdio.h> int main() { int x = 0,y = 0; unsigned int size = 0; printf(“Enter the size = “); scanf(“%u”,&size); for(x=(size/2); x<=size; x+=2) { for(y=1; y<(size-x); y+=2) { printf(” “); } for(y=1; y<=x; ++y) { printf(“*”); } for(y=1; y<=(size-x); ++y) { printf(” “); } for(y=1; y<=x; ++y) { printf(“*”); } printf(“\n”); }

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C program to print 8 star pattern

C program to print 8 star pattern

  #include <stdio.h> int main() { int x = 0,y = 0; unsigned int size = 0; printf(“Enter the size = “); scanf(“%u”,&size); for(x=1; x<(size*2); ++x) { for(y=1; y<=size; ++y) { // Condition for corner and center intersection space if(((x==1) && (y==1 || y==size)) || ((x==size) && ((y==1) || (y==size))) || (x==size*2-1 && (y==1 ||

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