Bash MCQ: Bash Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Bash MCQ with answers and explanations for placement tests and job interviews. These solved Bash MCQs are useful for the campus placement for all freshers including Engineering Students, MCA students, Computer and IT Engineers, etc.

Our Bash MCQ (Bash Multiple Choice Questions ) focuses on various parts of the Bash shell and command language its concept. It will be useful for anyone learning Bash language Basics, Essentials, and/or Fundamentals. We will regularly update the quiz and most interesting thing is that questions come in a random sequence. So every time you will feel new questions.

If you want to learn Bash command Language in detail you can follow these courses created by industry experts, Trial of some courses is free.

Guideline of Bash MCQ:

This Bash MCQ is intended for checking your Bash framework knowledge. It takes 1 hour to pass the Bash MCQ. If you don’t finish the Bash MCQ within the mentioned time, all the unanswered questions will count as wrong. You can miss the questions by clicking the “Next” button and return to the previous questions by the “Previous” button. Every unanswered question will count as wrong. MCQ on Bash has features of randomization which feel you a new question set at every attempt.

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Bash MCQ


Bash MCQ:  Bash Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

1 / 53

What happens if you use the "set -e" in a Bash script?

2 / 53

What Bash script will correctly create these files?

3 / 53

What is the output of this script?

echo ${!fname}


4 / 53

To run a copy command in a subshell, which syntax would you use?

5 / 53

If prompted for text at the standard input, you can tell the command you're done entering text with what key combination?

6 / 53

The command below will search the root filesystem for files named "finance.db". In this context, what information is being sent to /dev/null?

find / -name "finance.db" 1>results.txt 2>/dev/null


7 / 53

If file.sql holds SQL statements to be executed, what will be in file.txt?

mysql < file.sql > file.txt


8 / 53

Using Bash extended globbing, what will be the output of this command?

$ ls -l
$ shopt -s extglob
$ ls -l @(ba*(na)|a+(p)le)


9 / 53

If is run in the current directory, it will fail. Why?

$ ls -1
Beach photo1.jpg

$ cat
for i in $(ls *.jpg); do
  mv $i ${i}.bak


10 / 53

What is the difference between the $@ and $* variables?

11 / 53

When executing a command and passing the output of that command to another command, which character allows you to chain these commands together?

12 / 53

How would you change your Bash shell prompt to the following?



13 / 53

Which command is being run in this script to check if file.txt exists?

if [ -f file.txt ]; then
    echo "file.txt exists"


14 / 53

What would be in out.txt?

cat < in.txt > out.txt


15 / 53

What line of Bash script probably produced the output shown below?

The date is: Sun Mar 24 12:30:06 CST 2019!


16 / 53

What will be in out.txt?

ls nonexistentfile | grep "No such file" > out.txt


17 / 53

How does the SUID or setuid affect executable commands?

18 / 53

Using "awk", what would the output of this command string be?

echo "1 2 3" | awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) s=s+$i};END {print s}'


19 / 53

Assuming that user1 existed, what would be the result of this command string?

awk -F: '/user1/{print $1 "-" $3 "-" $6}' /etc/passwd


20 / 53

What file would match the code below?

ls Hello[[.vertical-line.]]World


21 / 53

What is the keyboard shortcut to call up the Bash history search as shown below?



22 / 53

What is the output of:

VAR="This old man came rolling"
echo "\${VAR//man/rolling}"


23 / 53

When used from within a script, which variable contains the name of the script?

24 / 53

What will be the output of this script?

Linux=('Debian' 'Redhat' 'Ubuntu' 'Android' 'Fedora' 'Suse')

Linux=(${Linux[@]:0:$x} ${Linux[@]:$(($x + 1))})
echo "${Linux[@]}"


25 / 53

Suppose your current working directory is your home directory. How could you run the script that is located in your home directory? Find three correct answers.

A. /home/
B. ./
C. ~/
D. bash /home/
E. bash


26 / 53

What is the output of this code?

echo "${VAR#*/html}"


27 / 53

In the script shown below, what is a greeting?

<em>#!/usr/bin/env bash</em>
echo $greeting, everybody!


28 / 53

Which arithmetic expression will give the most precise answer?

29 / 53

For the script to print "Is numeric" on screen, what would the user have to enter when prompted?

read -p "Enter text " var
if [[ "$var" =~ "^[0-9]+$" ]];then
    echo "Is numeric"
    echo "Is not numeric"


30 / 53

What does the asterisk represent in this statement?

<em>#!/usr/bin/env bash</em>
case $num in
  echo "one"
  ; ;
  echo "two"
  ; ;
  echo "a mystery"
  ; ;


31 / 53

In Bash, what does the comment below do?

cd -


32 / 53

In order for a Bash script to be executed like an OS command, it should start with a shebang line. What does this look like?

33 / 53

What happens if you use the "set -e" in a Bash script?

34 / 53

Given the listed permissions on data.txt is it possible that user2 could have read, write, and execute permissions on data.txt?

$ ls -l
total 0
-rwx------+ 1 user1 user1 0 Oct 27 10:54 data.txt


35 / 53

In order to write a script that iterates through the files in a directory, which of the following could you use?

36 / 53

Which statement checks whether the variable num is greater than five?

37 / 53

In order to extract text from the first column of file called textfile, which command would you use?

38 / 53

Which variable would you check to verify that the last command executed successfully?

39 / 53

What will be the difference between the output on the screen and the contents of out.txt

mysql < file.sql > out.txt


40 / 53

How could you get a list of all .html files in your tree?

41 / 53

What does this command do?

cat > notes -


42 / 53

The **\_\_** keyword pauses the script to get input from standard input.

43 / 53

Which of the three methods will copy the directory named "photo dir" recursively from the user's home directory to /backups?

cp -R "~/photo dir" /backups #method1
cp -R ~"/photo dir" /backups #method2
cp -R ~/"photo dir" /backups #method3


44 / 53

What does this bash statement do?

(( $a == $b ))
echo $?


45 / 53

What is wrong with this script?

read -p "Enter your pet type." PET
if [ $PET = dog ] ;then
    echo "You have a dog"


46 / 53

What is the result of this script?

[[ $txt =~ [a-z]{8} ]]; echo $?


47 / 53

How would you find the last copy command run in your history?

48 / 53

What does this script accomplish?

declare -A ARRAY=([user1]=bob [user2]=ted [user3]=sally)

for (( i=0; $i < ${#ARRAY[@]}; i+=1 ));do
        echo ${KEYS[$i]} - ${ARRAY[${KEYS[$i]}]}


49 / 53

How can you gather history together for multiple terminals?

50 / 53

To permanently remove empty lines from a file called textfile, which command could you use?

51 / 53

What does the + signify at the end of the 10-digit file permissions on data.txt?

ls -l
-rwx------+ 1 user1 u1 0 Oct 1 10:00 data.txt


52 / 53

What do you use in a case statement to tell Bash that you're done with a specific test?

53 / 53

Which file allows you to save modifications to the shell environment across sessions?

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