Author name: Amlendra

I am an embedded c software engineer and a corporate trainer, currently, I am working as senior software engineer in a largest Software consulting company . I have working experience of different microcontrollers (stm32, LPC, PIC AVR and 8051), drivers (USB and virtual com-port), POS device (VeriFone) and payment gateway (global and first data).

sqrt function in C

The sqrt function in C computes the nonnegative square root of a given number (sqrt parameters). It is declared in math.h and takes one argument in the form of double and returns the value of type double. You should remember that if the argument is less than zero, a domain error occurs. Syntax of sqrt […]

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inline function in C

In this blog post, you will learn the inline function in C and its concept. You will learn how to use inline function specifiers with function and their effect on them. We also see some programming examples to understand the inline function specifiers. So first let’s understand what is an inline function.   What is

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