Adobe Illustrator MCQ: Adobe Illustrator Multiple Choice Questions

Adobe Illustrator MCQ with answers and explanations for placement tests and job interviews. These solved Adobe Illustrator MCQs are useful for the campus placement for all freshers including Engineering Students, MCA students, Computer and IT Engineers, etc.

Our Adobe Illustrator MCQ (Adobe Illustrator Multiple Choice Questions ) focuses on various parts of the Adobe Illustrator vector graphics editor. It will be useful for anyone learning Adobe Illustrator Basics, Essentials, and/or Fundamentals. We will regularly update the quiz and most interesting thing is that questions come in a random sequence. So every time you will feel new questions.

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This Adobe Illustrator MCQ is intended for checking your Adobe Illustrator knowledge. It takes 50 minutes to pass the Adobe Illustrator MCQ. If you don’t finish the Adobe Illustrator MCQ within the mentioned time, all the unanswered questions will count as wrong. You can miss the questions by clicking the “Next” button and return to the previous questions by the “Previous” button. Every unanswered question will count as wrong. MCQ on Adobe Illustrator has features of randomization which feel you a new question set at every attempt.

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Adobe Illustrator MCQ

Adobe Illustrator MCQ: Adobe Illustrator Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

1 / 44

If you want to create an image map, which panel would you use to make an object into a clickable region?

2 / 44

Your colleague has asked you to provide the CSS code for an object in your document. What must you do to make Illustrator auto-generate the code for that particular object?

3 / 44

The Symbol Sprayer tool has been used to apply a number of symbol instances to an illustration. You would like to modify the appearance of some instances using graphic styles. How would this be achieved?

4 / 44

When creating a mesh object, when should you use the Mesh tool instead of the Create Gradient Mesh command in the Object menu?

5 / 44

You have just one object on your artboard. You want to change its fill color from black to yellow, so you open the Color Picker and select a yellow color. But when you click OK, the fill of the object changes to gray, not yellow. Why is this happening?

6 / 44

Which of the following does the Paragraph menu not operate?

7 / 44

You have a full-color RGB document and you need to create a grayscale version that will print only on the black plate. How can you accomplish this?

8 / 44

You select a new color in the Color Picker and want to see several variations in different shades and tints. Which feature allows you to do this?

9 / 44

Why would you use change the Expand Mesh value when using the Puppet Warp tool?

10 / 44

Your client likes the pattern fill in the text below but wants the flowers to overlap more so there are smaller gaps. How could you accomplish that?

11 / 44

Shortcut of Selection tool in Adobe Illustrator is ___

12 / 44

Selected tools from the toolbox will remain selected

13 / 44

When using the Image Trace feature, which option has the most impact on the number of paths that are created in the tracing result?

14 / 44

What happens when you click an existing anchor point with the Pen tool?

15 / 44

The fill colors of several instances of a dynamic symbol have been modified. What is the fastest way to return the fill color in every instance to its original appearance?

16 / 44

Which of the following correctly defines the method by which Adobe Illustrator creates images.

17 / 44

Which image adjustment is not available as an adjustment layer?

18 / 44

Which of the following tools will cut a path into two different paths.

19 / 44

Why would you turn on the Ignore Artboards option in the Print dialog box?

20 / 44

What command would you apply to make objects beneath the selected artwork visible inside the circle?

A yellow rectangle has a circular selection in the center.


21 / 44

What can you do in order to edit text in just one placed instance of a symbol?

22 / 44

You often use brushes from the Pattern Arrows brush library. How can you make it so this library automatically opens when you start Illustrator?

23 / 44

A curve created in Adobe Illustrator is commonly referred to as ___

24 / 44

When using the Live Paint Bucket tool to fill artwork with colors, you are unable to fill some areas due to the size of gaps between paths. What can you do in the Gap Options dialog box to fix this problem?

25 / 44

You have been working in the Essentials workspace and have changed the arrangement of panels, closing some that were open by default and opening others from the Window menu. How can you get back to the default arrangement of panels?

26 / 44

How could you quickly change all the hexagons to triangles in the image below?

27 / 44

Why would you use the Save Selection command?

28 / 44

When do you use the Knife tool?

29 / 44

What is the purpose of the Make Pixel Perfect command?

30 / 44

What happens when you assign a different color profile to an image?

31 / 44

The Pathfinder tool

32 / 44

Adobe Illustrator terminology for drawn line is ___

33 / 44

You need to process a large batch of Illustrator files, applying the same sequence of transformations to each one. What is the most efficient way to do this?

34 / 44

You are working with an Illustrator file that includes a linked Photoshop file. Your client sends a new Photoshop file with a different name and asks you to replace the old one in the Illustrator file. Which command in the Links panel would you use to accomplish this?

35 / 44

Which of the following is not a benefit of using layers?

36 / 44

Why use the Simplify command before exporting a web graphic to SVG format?

37 / 44

You have drawn a five-pointed star in a design and want to change the inner radius. How would you achieve this?

38 / 44

How many types of pages orientation is in Adobe Illustrator?

39 / 44

Which colorization method should you choose when using an art, scatter, or pattern brush to apply a spot color?

40 / 44

Your boss likes the new logo you've designed but would like to see some variations using different color schemes. Which feature could you use to generate these variations quickly?

41 / 44

You would like the columns in a chart to cover the whole length of the category axis. What option would you choose?

42 / 44

In Adobe illustrator we create our design and Illustrator on ___

43 / 44

The two overlapping boxes at the bottom of the Adobe Illustrator toolbox control ___

44 / 44

When multiple objects are selected, how do you deselect just one of them?

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