Most Used Shortcut keys of NetBeans IDE

Are you looking for the most used Shortcut keys for NetBeans IDE?

Don’t worry you are at the right place in this blog post we have mentioned the most used shortcut keys for NetBeans IDE.

NetBeans IDE includes keyboard shortcuts for many common actions and it saves you a lot of time. By learning some popular keyboard shortcuts, you can speed up your searching, it not only help you to find the contents faster but it improves your overall performance. So let’s see these popular NetBeans IDE Shortcut keys without waiting any time.

List of Most Used Shortcut keys of NetBeans IDE:

Action Command
Shortcut keys For Search
Find usages Alt + F7
Find usages (results) Alt + Shift +U
Find / Replace in a file Ctrl + F/H
Find / Replace in projects Ctrl + Shift + F/H
Find next F3
Select in projects / files / favorites Ctrl + Shift + 1/2/3
Shortcut keys For File Navigation
Open resource / Navigate to file Alt + Shift + O
Open type Ctrl + O
Go to line Ctrl + G
Recent files Ctrl + Shift + T
Tab / File switcher Ctrl + Tab
Move lines Alt + Shift + Up/Down
Delete lines Ctrl + E
Copy / Duplicate lines Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down
Select identifier Alt + Shift + J
Format code Alt + Shift + F
Shortcut keys For Code Navigation
Find usages / References in the workspace Alt + F7
Find usages results Alt + Shift + U
Inspect code hierarchy Alt + Shift + F12
Open / Navigate to declaration Ctrl + B
Open / Navigate to type hierarchy Alt + F12
Open / Navigate to member hierarchy Ctrl + F12
Shortcut Keys for Refactoring
Rename Ctrl + R
Surround with Alt + Enter
Extract local variable Alt + Shift + V
Extract / Assign to field Alt + Shift + E
Extract method Ctrl + Shift + M


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